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Crafting Station Variations by World

Sep 05, 2009
I have always wanted to make a complete themed house and have everything I need in it to use and to match with the theme, example being a complete Celestia house! I think it would be super cool if there could be a new addition of crafting stations that are themed by the world you buy them from, like Celestian Housing crafting station, or Celestian Card Crafting station! I just want these for each world so I can have new use to new items and so that I can have all my stations in a house that is themed that dont look out of place. There wouldn't be any special use to each different crafting station sets, just look aesthetically matching to the world you buy them from.

Rogan Light,

Sep 01, 2014
I like this idea. I want this. I need this. As a fellow Celestian theme lover, I'd also like my house to feel more complete.

-Kyle level 123 and 120