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Pet pavillion game problem??

Jul 05, 2017
Listen I don't know if it's just me but I've been having problems playing in pet pavillion and before the update I would get stuck and not be able to play the games (like the box that tells you to press "x" disappears and you're stuck doing nothing) until I quit the game completely and log back in. Before the update, it wasn't much of an issue as I only had to do it once and get on with training my pet but now that the update happened it got much worse. I have to log in and out every time I play a game because once I finish one session I end up back in the pavillion and not able to move at all. A quick venture into my character menu fixed it but I still had to deal with the box being gone once again and it's kind of getting annoying like I have to log out and back in each and every time I play and I kind of don't want to continuously deal with this anymore. I tried to switch on the classic mode in hopes it would be better but to no prevail I'm having the same problems and I don't know if it's my fault because it's probably my laptop or someone else is going through this and I'm not alone.