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Ranked PVP Problem

Mar 07, 2012
I am sure there are many people who are going to immediately tell me to just use this card or that overpowered card after I talk about this, but I really need to ask:

How do you do ranked pvp when you just started it?

I am a level 50 life wizard who is still the lowest rank for these reasons;

1. No matter if I uncheck or check the box to only search for those in my skill area, I still get put up against people I have zero chance against, most of the time they are in the 70s for level o.o

2. When first starting off, you don't have enough arena tickets to get any of the really good PVP gear. So why do I get matched against people with pvp gear that makes the fight completely one-sided...

3. Arena tickets..... is there any efficient way to get them rather than just hoping you win a match or two? The amount you receive for a win is extremely small (yes I am aware daily assignments are a thing but they give even less)

If anyone has any suggestions, if they be solutions or battle tactics for a life wiz, please respond!

- William Star 50 Life
Secondary : Storm + Death

Oct 21, 2013
First off, I agree that KI should fix the system for when finding a match. I was doing PVP on my level 18 and then got my opponent as a level 30 Commander.

Try hatching with someone with a ward pet. They give insane resist.
Maybe get to level 60 for Waterworks gear, then make your way up to getting Glenndemmings Gear.

I'm not a PVP expert. I only do low-level PVP. So i'm not the best one to give advice for level 50 PVP.
But do use the Sky Iron Hasta wand for the 10% damage.

And do Tourneys for arena tickets. Even if you come last, you'll get about 200 tickets.

Without having a good pet, PVP isn't going to be that easy. So make sure you work on getting a good ward pet.

Mar 07, 2012
Pets do turn the tides of battle, However people are really picky about hatching these days. Also my luck is ridiculous I have an enchanted balance armament that hasn't given any damage or resist and is mega already.

Honestly the biggest problem is the broken hatch system.

Apr 10, 2012
Definitely, pets are hard to come by, and people are extremely picky, but if a friend of yours is willing to help, and they have a pet you want, just copy the pet (I reccomend using piggle) but what I plan to do is get warlord on my level 10 ice who is currently stuck at veteran and knight, then level it up then get ticket for the gear Diego gives. It is hard starting at grandmaster, just make sure you have TC, and try the strategy out in practice pvp, and be creative.