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Who are Abby K Doodle and Abner K Doodle? And where did Abby go?

Jan 28, 2017
I don't know, but I feel like these two are supposed to be the girl and boy Wizard's we see on the menu's, maps, etc., as well as in the Abracadoodle comics.

Yeah, I know Abby isn't NEARLY as energetic as her comic counterpart, and Abner's skin tone is completely different from the guy we see bumbling around on the menus and maps ( seriously, how does one miss a Gobbler coming up to eat his newly crafted house model, anyway? ), but it would be a funny idea. They are technically the first Wizard's who ever existed, having been with us since day 1.

And as long as I'm on the subject, where did Abby go after the start of the game, anyway? She introduces you to Wizard City in the first hour of gameplay, and then she's never seen again. I'm really hoping she didn't catch the business end of one of those Rotting Fodder's spades on Triton Avenue, but it HAS been awhile since we last saw her. One can't help but be a little worried for her, right? Especially after what happened to Duncan since we left Wizard City...

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
Abby was a one-off City Tour Quest NPC. I also no longer see her. Abner, looks like he might be around to stay a little longer, but he is supposed (and Abby too) to be Ambrose's Assistant. I think Abner might stick around a little longer.

My theory is that Gamma's Voice Actor is/was unavailable. Which is sad, because Gamma I feel is usually the one that provides the tips and the voices.