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Beastmoon practice and tutorial

Mar 20, 2011
I noticed that you have a practice PvP and a practice derby but you don't have a practice beastmoon. Many people get frustrated and annoyed at new players because they don't know what they're doing and dont seem to want to listen. But if you gave people the option to pick a beast and just practice and have tutorials so they can learn in a comfortable pace and a safe environment I think it would decrease the amount of bullying and disrespect in beastmoon. people wouldn't have to go into matches blindly and uneducated.

It'd also be fun to try out other beast forms that ive never done before. Also giving people a way to practice at higher tiers. to see whether it's something they'd want to buy.

Sep 19, 2013
I second this. It's extremely annoying when people literally don't read enough of the manual to know they need to pick a beastform to leave the start, so anything that reduces that is good.

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
I agree that the entering into beastmoon is difficult-it has a steep learning curve.

However, it's actually SO much fun when you get into it. I feel like this is how PVP was supposed to be-there is no power creep and everything seems pretty well balanced. You can get amazing combos against people, they can you. It's pretty evenly matched.

I am 100% for a Tutorial or Practice mode! (Even so people can explore the map!)

Jun 10, 2012
A way to try the forms is a good idea but a practice beastmoon don't have many sense cuz there is no real ranking in beastmoon.There is just 5 bonus point for the winning team.