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What level should a Fire and Storm duo do Mount Olympus?

Jan 19, 2015
TLDR: At what level should me and my friend that's playing as Fire and Storm be able to do Mount Olympus successfully. Along side this, what spells should we prioritize, and if you have any other tips, please give them as well.

I have recently got back into Wizard101 and have since dragged a friend to play with me, and he is enjoying it as much as I am. It's awesome to see the changes since I have last played. Anyways, I have never made it past Mount Olympus. For some reason I have stopped playing the game at level 35, and 34 on a Fire and Storm. I have completed Mount Olympus as I have gear from it on both characters, however, I have forgotten really when I started, if I did it with others, etc, etc. We typically have been doing the game just us, and we don't really like the idea of getting a hard carry as that takes the fun away from the game. We want to be able to do pretty much everything just the two of us. We are doing every quest in the game (besides fishing, and quests alike as they make me wanna pull my hair out) so I'm assuming we are gonna be pretty over leveled for each area. Sure, eventually we might have to team up and we are fine with that, but I'm thinking at this point we shouldn't have to. Any tips or tricks would be very nice, and general information to know before would be too. Thanks!