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Did I falsely report?

Mar 06, 2018
I was questing with a friend, and some girl joined us. She started off rude, saying how my lvl.90 Myth was "pretty bad" and I ignored it.
Just typical playful rudness with a stranger, right?
Well, I mentioned that my brother would be moving out with his bf to MY FRIEND and she said it was gross (Homophobic.) I was caught off guard and she said I was weird and disgusting.
Am I in the wrong for reporting? Will I get in trouble or is that kind of sleech to someone else allowed? Both of us are over 18, so it wasn't just a kid.

DocLudwig on Sep 27, 2020 wrote:
I was questing with a friend, and some girl joined us. She started off rude, saying how my lvl.90 Myth was "pretty bad" and I ignored it.
Just typical playful rudness with a stranger, right?
Well, I mentioned that my brother would be moving out with his bf to MY FRIEND and she said it was gross (Homophobic.) I was caught off guard and she said I was weird and disgusting.
Am I in the wrong for reporting? Will I get in trouble or is that kind of sleech to someone else allowed? Both of us are over 18, so it wasn't just a kid.
Hi DocLudwig! You should be fine, we review chat logs and what's being reported before taking any actions.

If you want to be sure, feel free to reach out to our support team and let them know as well:


Thanks DocLudwig, great question!

Apr 22, 2016
Just a helpful tip, if you want to make sure people won’t say rude things about your conversations you can always private text chat if your friend is under the “True Friend” code. You just go to to friends drop down menu and click the button with chat and a lock and only you and the friend you sent it to can see it. If you have multiple friends you can add them to your group and talk to them there. Alas many players are out there just to bully others, that is a reportable offense and players acting like that should be reported. But if you don’t want other players responding and listening to your conversations you should use private or group chat.