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Purchase Specific Drops from Bosses

Dec 31, 2014
Alright this idea is in its very early stages and is still rough around the edges. Any thoughts on this idea would be appreciated.

Everyone has been in that one dungeon you have been farming repeatedly for almost a month now and still haven't gotten that one drop. What if every time you defeated the boss, you got one point (No idea what it would be called, so I will go with the term point for now). Now say you farm that boss 50 times, and now have 50 points. Somewhere in that world would be a vendor that you could interact with to bring up a menu of all the boss instances. You select the boss you just farmed 50 times, and can now purchase a piece of gear that you wanted that is 50 points.

All values are just for demonstration purposes, actual values would likely be different if implemented into the game. Now to prevent someone from just farming a Wizard City boss 500 times and going to buy their full set of Darkmoor gear, all points would be boss specific. You could only buy Rattlebones Exalted gear with Rattlebones Exalted points, and you could only buy Malistaire the Undying gear with Malistaire the Undying.

Again this idea is still very rough and has lots of room for improvement. I believe this system would greatly benefit players like me who have ridiculously low luck when it comes to farming. I spent the better part of 2 months farming Cronus for the Exalted Life Amulet before I finally gave up on it.

Nov 22, 2008
I could see this maybe happening with animus. It would give us a reason to get into monstrology beyond house decorations. I dont think every boss should have this, though and animus could make this possible. Maybe Monstrologist Burke could go through the animus and find what you need?