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Let the acquiring of gold skeleton keys go back to being how it should

Jul 12, 2016
In 2022, the golden skeleton keys got an update that made about as much sense as a hot ice cube: Players need gold skeleton keys to battle the creatures that drop them?

that's not okay. Bosses that you need a golden skeleton key to battle shouldn't be the only creatures that drop them. I know, I know: Majid trades loyalty tokens for a key, but not everyone can hold down a membership one month after another.

Think about it: Every skeleton key is only good for a one-time use, only some of the bosses that you need a gold skeleton key to battle drop them, there's only a chance instead of positivity that you'll get your gold skeleton key back for defeating them, and other creatures don't drop them? That is wrong.

The ways and creatures players acquire a gold skeleton key from need to go back to being what they previously and properly were.

Feb 27, 2009
When I initially saw this post a few weeks ago, I didn't think much of it. That is, until I ran into a few people in The Commons talking about how they were looking for someone with Gold Skeleton Keys to do some dungeon runs with them. They seemed surprised when I told them I had almost 40 Gold Skeleton Keys. I was not attempting to brag or anything; I simply missed the memo.

What I didn't know, was that they changed the way to get them last year. I somehow missed that. That explains why I was getting so many from Daily Assignments. I've been doing the Daily Assignment for almost a year straight on two different wizards every single day. Not for Gold Skeleton Keys, but I just find it fun. It takes a handful of minutes to do. But, I was getting a Gold Skeleton Key almost 50% of the time on the first two chests (day 5 and day 10 respectively) and, apparently, you now are guaranteed a Gold Skeleton Key on the 15th day.

I don't think many people even know this. I thought they were a "relatively" common item. But obviously, outside of a few quests and miscellaneous activities, the only three ways to get them now seem to be:
  • Buying them directly from Majid for 1 loyalty token each (for a maximum of 3 per month).
  • Defeating the Skeleton Key boss that you used the Skeleton Key for (essentially 'getting your key back').
  • Through daily assignments.

The first option isn't viable for a lot of players. Especially the younger audience or people with a lower overall income. The second option, you aren't gaining a new key just trading 1 for 1. This is fine, but some of these bosses at higher levels are hard. And losing a key permanently is a decent chance tier 3 and above even with a good team.

So that essentially leaves the third option as (in my opinion) the easiest way to get keys. However, I don't think most people know this. I see this because I've become relatively popular for having so many keys. People are willing to gift one or even multiple lore packs for one key run. When I tell them I got most of my keys over the past year doing the Daily Assignment their usual response is: "Wow, I didn't know that!".

Also leading me to think the Daily Assignment needs a slight revamp, but that's a whole other conversation. I do think there should be at least ONE other way to gain Gold Keys relatively consistently. You should still need to earn them in some form, but there should be multiple avenues to gain new keys. And if you cannot buy them from Majid, you realistically only have one option at the time of writing this.