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Longer worlds?

Mar 20, 2011
Don’t know how other people are going to feel about this but I was wondering if you could make the 2023 world a bit longer than novus and lemuria. It was a little depressing waiting a whole year for only a day or two of questing. A lot of people complain that Azteca and khrysalis are too long. But I’m starting to miss it. Simply because it feels like it’s over too fast. Or maybe more side of quests if people don’t want a longer main story. What is the everyone’s thoughts?

Jan 16, 2010
I would say if the world has an interesting storyline like Khrysalis did, it would be worthwhile to have the next world be a longer world. But my max's are in Empyrea right now (which, from what I've been told is longer than Khrysalis) and the world's grating on me because of the Star Trek references (and I'm a Star Trek fan). I haven't been able to get through Emp because of this block but maybe the ice I'm working on will have more luck in that respect, I don't know.

I'm always interested when the story is one that I can get into (I still want to rebuild Dragonspyre and I want to save the people in Azteca and move then to a new world, too... so.. shows which storylines I like the most).

I think it's good world building when you can ask yourself the questions of "but can't the people in Azteca just go through the world door to another world?" and "if my magic can fix this well in Zafaria, can't magic fix Dragonspyre?"