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Pet not giving correct damage stats

Mar 13, 2022
I have a pet with 4 manifested damage talents, and a jeweled fire-giver talent. When I hover over my damage (which says 164) in my character stats page, it says "total:170", this is correct, however my damage output is only 164. I thought this may have been an issue with the jewel, so i shattered it. The damage was still off, this time only by 4. None of my other pets have this issue. They all display and give me the correct stats.

I do recognize that sometimes the display will be glitched, or this is due to a rounding error (as i've seen posted in these forums), but this is way more points than would simply be a rounding error.

I did test my damage output, and it really is 164 not 170. So this is not a display issue. The game is acting like I have less damage than I do when I equip this pet in particular. Any ideas what my be causing this?