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Give us the ability to do Beast moon form "buy back"

Sep 23, 2013
Like the "training Points" buy back in the main game that comes along periodically, I'd love to see a Beastmoon Form buy back at least twice a year.


Early on in game play we tier up forms that we end up realizing are under powered for the style that we like to play or that we regret we used resources to Tier up. If we could "turn in" those forms and get resources (even partial resources) back it would allow us to tier up the forms we use more frequently - alot faster.

I won't even get into how hard it is to get Lunari (even for us scroll of fortune suckers). it should be easier to tier up forms in the end, or at least share lunari across wizards on the same account.

I have an Ice Minotaur that is T3 (because I thought I got a "free" upgrade last scroll of Fortune) - but in fact it was not FREE.. it cost me 1200 lunari and I didn't realize until I clicked "go."

I would love to claw back that lunari and use it on my Storm Krok and Fire Pig or others, honestly. It burns my bum every time I see that Ice Mino.