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Block reduces critical heal multiplier

Jul 16, 2013

Just started playing again and i'm still getting used to the new crit system.

I don't know if this is a bug or intentional, but i noticed block rating reduces the critical Heal multiplier.
It makes sense for block to reduce the critical Damage multiplier. but an ally's heal being weakened because you have block, doesn't.

just thought I'd point it out. hopefully this can get fixed in the next update

Oct 16, 2014
This was intentional to nerf critical healing and off-school healing.

Imagine a jade healer that could still do x2 heals. This was a previous problem before the critical and block update, and now that critical rate has "been boosted", it would make the problem even worse unless block did affect critcial heals. Both damage and heals both deal Hit Points (HP) so it would also be unfair if only one of the two was nerfed due to block.

This also means that Life wizards, maining the healing school, will naturally have a higher chance to critical and a higher critical multipler for their heals while playing defensive.

Low Block -> More Inc. Damage/Heals
High Block -> Less Inc. Damage/Heals

Low Critical -> Less Out. Damage/Heals
High Critical -> More Out. Damage/Heals