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please fix the way the characters sit on a number of the mounts

Nov 22, 2010
it's really hard to use a lot of the mounts because of the way the characters are positioned ON them or the way the camera is positioned behind them.

someone mentioned the manta ray in another thread - but there are a lot. The autumn truck is an example - your character has it's head sticking out of the window no matter what. no one drives like that. The race car is another one, your character has one shoulder down, one up, as if they are constantly turning the corner.

And the camera on that one is slightly cattycorner, resulting in the car not going quite straight and making it hard to maneuver through the streets.

And then there are some of the mounts that are so huge, or that bounce so much, that you can't see the screen and can't see where you are going.

Maybe add different positions to that when going around corners, or backing up, the character moves, but when going straight please have them in a realistic position that is also easy for the player behind the screen to deal with.