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Everyone that HATES the updated beastmoon map, say aye!

Feb 28, 2011
I'm so disappointed. I was considering buying the winter scroll but after playing just one round of beastmoon with the new map, I refuse to subject myself to that in order to earn points. Beastmoon was my favorite event and I have tolerated spiral showcase spam every other week while looking forward to beastmoon.

I refuse to grind it or even play it unless we can opt for the old map. Finding wisps was already kind of ridiculous. There were cheaters galore taking spiral before it opened. Some people sat in the base and didn't contribute... but a good team could still win. With this new map, everyone is walking in circles or walls. I like the chalk signs, but this feels like when they took pacman and decided to make him 3D and make a simple and fun game into something nauseating and not fun enough to want to achieve greatness at.

I love some updates. The pet kiosk update was phenomenal. The beastmoon map becoming like a puzzle, not a fan. I have seen many people play one round and refuse to continue because of this new map. I can't be alone.

Maybe if enough of us ask, they can patch in 2 separate waiting pools, one for those of us that liked the map the way it was, and the other for those that have a penchant for masochism and actually enjoy the new layout.

Since I won't play it this way, I haven't encountered the locked forms. I can't bring myself to grind this and I have LIVED in beastmoon each time it has been up since it first ran. All the sads