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is wizard city hard

Apr 23, 2022
hey i wanted to ask um is wizard city hard i mean the last boss is lord nightshade or lord nightside either way theres sunken city which i guess it could be hard

Jan 16, 2010
Lord Nightshade isn't that hard if you have a good deck set up. Just remember to blade and trap if you have blades and traps, and you should be fine.

As for Sunken City - that is a little more challenging. It has been made a lot easier over the years. The mobs used to pull you off the sidewalk there, and they no longer do that. I would still go through with a group of like leveled individuals, or wait until you're in your 30's to solo it as there is one tower in particular that's a gauntlet that's a bit challenging for lower levels to complete if you do it by yourself. It is possible to solo if you're a higher level, I've done it on several of my characters - and Life wizards are required to do Sunken City for a school quest, which I think happens around level 35 or so.

Sep 04, 2011
Wizard city's first few quests are a walk in the park but they will get harder as the game goes on.