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Team up problem

May 27, 2013
There really is something not right with the team ups. If I request a team up of 3 and someone else has already requested a team up of 2, it puts me into the team up of 2 and starts counting down. I'm in Mirage at this point. The bosses are massively overpowered. Two underpowered (underpowered for the boss) characters are not going to do much better than one underpowered character. That's exactly why I requested three players, but rather than using the higher number request, I am forced into the lower number request. At that point, it doesn't matter if I "cancel" the team up and make a new request for three. It just dumps me back into the same pairing and continues to count down from where I left...and often ends a futile combat.

Is there something to be done for this? Please?