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Idea to improve Monstrology/Monstrodome

Aug 24, 2010
What if players had the ability to add cheats on their bosses/monsters using a simplified interface of a fixed set of commands, determined by the rank of the monster placed? The higher the rank of the monster, the more cheats the player can add to their monster

Haunted Minion(Rank 1):
1. When player uses {}, cast []
A. {Attack} [Attack]
B. {Charm} [Charm]
C. {Shield} [Shield]

This could go in any combination you like.

Here is a Rank 2 with an extra cheat:

Scarlet Screamer(Rank 2)
1. When player uses {}, cast []
A. {Attack} [Attack]
B. {Charm} [Charm]
C. {Shield} [Ward]
2. After every {} round, cast []
A. {First} [Attack]
B. {Second} [Charm]
C. {Third} [Ward]

The general idea is to allow for endless customization by the players, as the ranks keep getting higher and more cheats are allowed to be added.

Then, give the ability for players to post submissions of their team compositions, with the cheats given, on a board in the commons(I asked many players and most have no idea about monstrology), only if they manage to beat their composition of monsters using just their own wits, a partner, two other people, or even a full team. After completing this gauntlet of theirs, the number of players involved will be put the gauntlet in its respective category of a 1, 2, 3, or 4 person challenge, while giving credit to the person who made it and those who helped.

Players can earn points or ranks(like in PvP), depending on the difficulty of the challenge, which is determined by a combination of:

A. How many unsuccessful attempts it took to submit the challenge
-If a change is made to the cheats, the amount of unsuccessful attempts resets back to 0
B. The total sum of all the ranks of the monsters
C. Number of players required to complete

The person who created the composition should get points for the amount players that attempted their challenge, and the other(s) that helped submit the composition should equally get about a third of the points of the creator

This will not only give players, who are not inclined to PvP, plenty of optional side content to do, but it would also increasingly test the limit of Wizard101's combat to new lengths, using the creativity and strategical planning of the player-base. Perhaps, some of the best submissions of the players could make it into new worlds.

-A Rank 24 Monstrologist

Sep 12, 2013
Great to see that you also like monstrology! I like your idea and just want to add on that for summoning monsters in the monstrodome summon cards should not be required, rather, as long as the monster is in the players monstrology tome they can summon it anytime inside the monstrodome (for pve minions, the cost of animus should remain unchanged). It may sound too easy but collecting animus for summon cards especially from high level bosses is tough and time consuming and is a major reason for people not liking monstrology/monstrodome.