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A Visual Eyeball Glitch in Novus

Nov 25, 2018
I tried posting this for two times now and it never went through moderation, despite the post following the rules, so here I go again. The eyes in Novus that be outside of dungeons has a glitch when you turn to a certain angle, the iris turns black, which looks creepy to me. This only happens when the eye is orange, the blue one does not have this problem. Please fix this because I can't stand it and it creeps me out to the point where I'm afraid to quest on the rest of my wizards (2 have finished, 5 haven't; I was questing on my death wizard and I decided to not quest due to it scaring me today) and I have nightmares about it. I held off questing because of it and I tried ignoring it, but creepy stuff like that prevents me from wanting to quest; until this gets fixed 5 of my 7 wizards will be staying out of Novus (not to be disrespectful or anything like that). However, if it's too difficult to fix it glitching, then I suggest that the eyes should close after you've entered an instance. Thanks in advance (I'm sorry if it seems like I'm ranting...)

Apr 05, 2022
LivelySong on Jan 7, 2023 wrote:
I tried posting this for two times now and it never went through moderation, despite the post following the rules, so here I go again. The eyes in Novus that be outside of dungeons has a glitch when you turn to a certain angle, the iris turns black, which looks creepy to me. This only happens when the eye is orange, the blue one does not have this problem. Please fix this because I can't stand it and it creeps me out to the point where I'm afraid to quest on the rest of my wizards (2 have finished, 5 haven't; I was questing on my death wizard and I decided to not quest due to it scaring me today) and I have nightmares about it. I held off questing because of it and I tried ignoring it, but creepy stuff like that prevents me from wanting to quest; until this gets fixed 5 of my 7 wizards will be staying out of Novus (not to be disrespectful or anything like that). However, if it's too difficult to fix it glitching, then I suggest that the eyes should close after you've entered an instance. Thanks in advance (I'm sorry if it seems like I'm ranting...)
Hey there, thank you so much for reaching out about this!

Not sure what happened to your original message, but relieved this one went through! We'll get the team to look at this!

Thank you again! Hopefully, you are enjoying the new world!!

Nov 25, 2018
Any confirmation that this glitch has been fixed since the recent update?
Edit: Never mind, I just checked and it's still glitched.

Nov 25, 2018
Now that I think about it, is it possible to remove the eyeballs out of Novus? I don't think that it would affect questing or farming much due to certain bosses being shown on the map, and while I know that having blue lights (for quest instances) and orange lights (for enter able places) have been a part of this game for a long time, but I think that it would be an interesting change, especially since Pirate101 doesn't have this feature, yet you can still tell which places you can enter. If this change is made, I would start questing back on my characters again (which I miss a lot), 100% guaranteed.

Nov 25, 2018
On the recent update notes for 2/22, it says that there are some animation fixes, so does that mean that they fixed the glitch or no?