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Novus last boss (no spoilers)

Dec 11, 2008
I have to say I sort of feel bad for the staff who worked so hard working on the final boss battle with all the coding, artwork, and the planning to come up with such an interesting fight, only to have the players flee and come back to bypass the cheats just to "cheese" the fight, just like in lunaria hall of heroes. I feel like with most worlds there is this big build up to the final boss only to glitch the fight and turn it to another one -two shot boss.

P.S- the art style of the world was 10/10

Apr 05, 2022
sagehyuuga on Dec 2, 2022 wrote:
I have to say I sort of feel bad for the staff who worked so hard working on the final boss battle with all the coding, artwork, and the planning to come up with such an interesting fight, only to have the players flee and come back to bypass the cheats just to "cheese" the fight, just like in lunaria hall of heroes. I feel like with most worlds there is this big build up to the final boss only to glitch the fight and turn it to another one -two shot boss.

P.S- the art style of the world was 10/10
This means a lot to us to hear, I'm very glad you enjoyed the final fight and I'll tell our team what you think about the art style!

Thank you so much!!

May 22, 2012
sagehyuuga on Dec 2, 2022 wrote:
I have to say I sort of feel bad for the staff who worked so hard working on the final boss battle with all the coding, artwork, and the planning to come up with such an interesting fight, only to have the players flee and come back to bypass the cheats just to "cheese" the fight, just like in lunaria hall of heroes. I feel like with most worlds there is this big build up to the final boss only to glitch the fight and turn it to another one -two shot boss.

P.S- the art style of the world was 10/10
I've never seen this fight and won't until I reach the end but I do think staff get carried away with cheating bosses. They forget the fun aspect of gaming. A challenge is nice but when your entire team gets nuked and your life can't keep you healthy, something is wrong. A problem since Darkmoor that hasn't been resolved. Tough is fine but players shouldn't flee and return unless under very odd and rare events.

A good sized chunk of the player base were parents and grand parents playing with family in a casual game for fun.

Feb 12, 2015
I haven't reached the final boss in Live Realm yet, but I'm aware of the drama surrounding it. This is a problem that ought to be fixed.

Regardless of your stance on the difficulty, a fight that can be trivialized through bugs and technical manipulations is no fun at all.

Please have a fix in soon!

May 19, 2017
I would like to play it out. see where it takes us. And if it can be done without all the fleaing stuff. I stayed once while everyone took off and left just me. I was able to kill one. So I am thinking that if everyone stayed and played we could win with each play working on one enemy. Just my thoughts though and well thats the way I would like to play it and see if it can be done.