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Update Clothing Idea!

Feb 05, 2011
Awesome update clothing idea!

Ok, so I was going through my bank in Wizard101 today, and I found my level 40 clothing. I am level 61. Life FYI: This idea is only for Crowns only clothing. Anyway, I found my Super Bundle clothing that was level 40. It had no Critical Ratings! It didn't have super good stats either! Then, I got an amazing idea! What if you could update your "Crowns Only" clothing? Ok, so what I mean is this:
Let's say that I am level 60. I have my hat that is level 40. I update it, so that my hat is now level 60 and it gives me better stats! Isn't that cool?!? But, to update your clothing, you will have to pay 1000 Gold. You can only update clothing that is Crowns Only. You can only update hats, cloaks, boots, and weapons.
Tell me if you like this idea! If you are confused, have any questions or ideas, please tell me! Thanks!

Jared Shadowbreaker Level 61 Life