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Spell animations that take too long.

Aug 20, 2011
Shorten these spells up. They're pretentiously long.

Speed all these spells up by at least a factor of .05. Make some cinematic cuts if needed. These spells take too long, and precious play time is being wasted just watching movies we've seen over and over.

Snow angel
Forest lord
Dr. Von's monster
Goat monk
Ice wyvern (and fire wyvern, and squall wyvern)

(By contrast, here are some quick spells: spectral blast, samoorai, sandstorm, kraken, immolate. Keep spells around that length.)

Aug 01, 2011
Lucas Rain on Oct 30, 2012 wrote:
Shorten these spells up. They're pretentiously long.

Speed all these spells up by at least a factor of .05. Make some cinematic cuts if needed. These spells take too long, and precious play time is being wasted just watching movies we've seen over and over.

Snow angel
Forest lord
Dr. Von's monster
Goat monk
Ice wyvern (and fire wyvern, and squall wyvern)

(By contrast, here are some quick spells: spectral blast, samoorai, sandstorm, kraken, immolate. Keep spells around that length.)
Excuse me Kingsisle can't just redo spells if its to long for you deal with it. There are people who think the same thing but they live through it.

Mar 09, 2011
I agree with you in the sense that i don't want my playing time to be wasted on movies that i've seen over and over again, but the fact that it takes so long makes the spell more epic. What good monster doesn't show off or roar before it attacks?

Aug 20, 2011
Zlyxer on Oct 30, 2012 wrote:
Excuse me Kingsisle can't just redo spells if its to long for you deal with it. There are people who think the same thing but they live through it.
Programmers have the power to redesign it, and this is a forum for comments and suggestions, so there's no point in acting outraged and indignant that I did so.

If you enjoy the game but can't play all day, you want to budget your time, and you notice when things are taking too long. If you actually time those spells out that I listed, you see that they are significantly longer than the others.

And it's not a question of making the spells less epic by making them faster. They can be faster and epic too. They just need to be streamlined. Humongofrog and Ra, for example, take the longest when they are transitioning attacks from target to target. That time could easily be shortened. Forest Lord take the longest time as the fluffy monster appears and pulls trees up out of the ground. Those extra seconds really don't add anything to the spell, they just make you sit there longer.

Feb 24, 2012
Yeah i agree some are way to long and boring. But they wont waste money to adjust this but they can keep it in mind when making new data for game.

Mar 19, 2010
spells are like that for a reason you know, you know they could just take them out all together and put something like "level 68 fire spell" with the same power just that nothing appears and they take the damage, the spells are meant to put some fun into the game man, don't be hatin'

Feb 19, 2010
I dont think any1 is hating. But my concerns are that not everyone has countless hours to play so that extra 30 seconds per spell adds up to an extra 1-4 minutes per duel which can add to an extra 30 minutes for a quest. See what i mean. I love the cinamatics but i dont have time to watch a rain of fire for the 1000000 time when i only have a short time to play. Thats my 2 cents on the issue.