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Thanks for the fishing tournament!

Aug 12, 2013
Really enjoyed the tournament. Got to catch a bunch of first time fish, enough to level up one time. Snagged a Spiny fish pet from one of the treasure chests I hooked. had a lot of fun running all over the Spiral, and then today, I found out I managed to place on a couple of the boards. Wasn't expecting that, but it was fun, too! Congratulations too all the big winners!

Cowan Nightstalker

Dec 26, 2013
I'd also like to thank KI for the Fishing Tournament. I was lucky enough to be one of the winners! Thanks for the Crowns KI. I was able to get that Life Mastery amulet I've been drooling over. If I don't see another Dekoi for a while it will be OK with me LOL! It was loads of fun and I hope this is something KI does on a regular basis.

Congratulations! Glad you enjoyed the tournament.

I was pleased to recognize a familiar name from the forums among the winners, TusconWizard!

Oct 12, 2011
An event is always welcome, especially when it reaches 100 level, which no longer has much to do in the game, but I suggest that when an event happens that requires energy that could be free to acquire energy to fill again, it would be possible?

May 07, 2011
I had so much fun with the fishing tournament. Thank you for hosting it. I hope there is another one soon!