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New Castles?!? C:

Aug 30, 2008
I've been playing a lot of Wizard 101 Lately, and I have been thinking; Why don't they make some more castles? I mean surely they've got to!

If not, then we could throw in some ideas for our teachers at Ravenwood.
(I'll Start us off.)

I anything, I want to see a new Krokotopian Castle.
I can be a Giant Pyramid that you can live inside of!

It'll have four floors, a living room, a basement, an attic, and a bedroom!
Outside can be a Nile River-like setting where you can walk into a boat tent, one that is located in the river, of course! And then there can be a field where you can grow a garden.

What do you guys think? Like the sound of my castle ideas, or you guys have better ideas?

Mar 12, 2013
I'd like to see a configurable garden housing.

Take the Red Barn Farm "+1 like" setting and have it become available as a permanent housing item you can buy with gold and apply to ANY housing or castle you own.

Say you have a wizard who crafted or bought a castle, but decided they want to garden, but don't want to have to travel between two different houses to do it. And let's suppose the castle has a wide, generous front yard.

You could buy the "Red Barn Farm Mojo" at the housing shop or crowns shop for 12500 crowns or 125000 gold. It comes separately from the housing, so you can apply the Mojo to any housing you own and it now grants the +1 like to all your gardening in the target housing. (It will not add a second +1 like to pre-existing Red Barn Farms - you may only have one Mojo operational in a housing at any given time.)

A second thing I'd like to see is "you build it" housing where you're not only crafting the house, but also building it in any shape or form that you like using modular, matching walls and towers and such.

This is inspired by all the "Heated Stone Tower" and "Storm Stone Tower" housing drops I've picked up over the last six months battling Bastilla Gravewynd and Sgt. Skullsplitter and the like. At this rate, between six wizards, I have roughly enough towers to create a Vauban star fort.

I've often wondered if you could save these up and obtain Wizard City stone wall segments to go between them, and construct your own ramparts, courtyards, and portcullises out of them.

Then you buy a central keep in the housing shop or crowns shop, and you have a customized castle and courtyard in any configuration you wish. Even a star fort, to keep out the gobblers.