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Wizard101 books: expand the brand

Jun 07, 2012
Hey, so I know most of you probably haven't heard of me. I'm not one of those level 90+ wizards that have completed the game and now have nothing to do but post on the message boards. I'm just a humble necromancer who thinks she has a new genius idea for KingsIsle. So here it goes... books.

I'm not talking about the thousands of fan-fiction stories already online, I'm talking about real published books that take place in the Spiral. I've been thinking about this for a while and you know how at the beginning of the game, when you create your character, Ambrose says something about you being from a world where people don't believe in magic, well they could incorporate that into the story of the main character. And there could be characters from other magical worlds, both in and out of the Sprial as a kind of exchange student program. Then, of course, there is the matter of the magic school of the main character. I think the main character should be from the least popular school from the game, so it can be fair.

The books, however, would not include the entire storyline (that would take too long) but would either be a condensed version of the main story arch or a new adventure entirely. I personally like the second idea more because its a whole new adventure in a fictional world we all love and the first would just be a retelling of the same story. The new adventure could be about the second rising of Malistaire, where he's twice as strong as he was before and now he's taking over the minds of the Death students. The books could also be about more than just defeating Malistaire. They could include elements of school life such as friends, classes, bullies, homework, studying, and more.

That's all for now but post a reply about your ideas and I might have more next time!
Deirdre Silverblood
Magus Necromancer

Oct 21, 2010
I like the idea of books, and a completely new storyline, with aspects of the actual game in them. i would read a Wizard101 book. I would like to see stories from the point of view of a wizard from each school, maybe even each wizard from a different world. This is an interesting idea, and i would like to see what others think of it.

-See Ya In The Spiral!!

Julia DragonLeaf

May 06, 2009
deirdre the necrom... on Jul 16, 2013 wrote:
Hey, so I know most of you probably haven't heard of me. I'm not one of those level 90+ wizards that have completed the game and now have nothing to do but post on the message boards. I'm just a humble necromancer who thinks she has a new genius idea for KingsIsle. So here it goes... books.

I'm not talking about the thousands of fan-fiction stories already online, I'm talking about real published books that take place in the Spiral. I've been thinking about this for a while and you know how at the beginning of the game, when you create your character, Ambrose says something about you being from a world where people don't believe in magic, well they could incorporate that into the story of the main character. And there could be characters from other magical worlds, both in and out of the Sprial as a kind of exchange student program. Then, of course, there is the matter of the magic school of the main character. I think the main character should be from the least popular school from the game, so it can be fair.

The books, however, would not include the entire storyline (that would take too long) but would either be a condensed version of the main story arch or a new adventure entirely. I personally like the second idea more because its a whole new adventure in a fictional world we all love and the first would just be a retelling of the same story. The new adventure could be about the second rising of Malistaire, where he's twice as strong as he was before and now he's taking over the minds of the Death students. The books could also be about more than just defeating Malistaire. They could include elements of school life such as friends, classes, bullies, homework, studying, and more.

That's all for now but post a reply about your ideas and I might have more next time!
Deirdre Silverblood
Magus Necromancer
Hmm...I like this. I wouldn't mind something like this in our Zazzle shop.

Apr 12, 2011
Sounds great, but it should include different characters that develop over time.

Jun 07, 2012
Wow, thank you guys for replying. I was worried no one would notice. Anyway, I've done some more thinking and here's some more things I've come up with and problems I've thought about. If you've got any suggestions let me hear them and maybe once we've got this completely figured out we can let KingsIsle take over.

First off, I realize that if the books were about one main character from one school people might get offended if their favorite school wasn't chosen. I'm not really sure how you'd solve that problem but I think it would be too complicated if there was seven different characters from different schools with separate story lines. Second, I was thinking how someone could write a book that could be understood by the younger players but still be entertaining to older players. Overall, these are the main problems I see about a Wizard101 book. If KingsIsle does take this idea seriously and goes through with it they are going to have a real challenge on their hands.

Now it's time for me to tell you about my ideas! Remember, these are suggestions so if you see a issue, tell me. I've read my last first post on this topic and realized that no one whose played the game would want to read about the main storyline again and it might spoil the end for some players who haven't finished. Instead, the books should be a whole new story. I was thinking they could be about the second rise of Malistaire, this time he is taking over the minds of Death school students and is trying to recruit them for his army. Malorn Ashthorn has become the death professor and is secretly kidnapping students for Malistaire's army. That could be the first story arch, discovering Malorn is evil and chasing across worlds of the Spiral to bring him to justice.

Hope you all like this idea for a book and keep posting about it! If I have more replies I'll post more ideas next time.
Deirdre Silverblood
Magus Necromancer

Dec 18, 2009
Great idea. Maybe it could help promotion. What would happen if it was like the 39 clues books where there are codes that come with the book to help you in the game. You read the book, you get more stuff to play the game.