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Pet choosing

Aug 12, 2012
I have just recently read and replied to "Thank you KI for the slap in the face". While I did mention that training carefully is required, he/she does have a point. Sometimes, if you get a really bad talent and you want to switch it, don't you actually have the feeling to do it? Well, my idea is to make it so that you can have ALL talents and traits. And to those who are always grumpy with my perfectly good ideas, please don't bother to dislike something everybody else in the world would love. And still to those grumpy dislikers that are saying that this is over powered; it really isn't. It can take quite some time to get to adult, being doubled for ancient taking a while, and being doubled twice for mega and epic, it takes a while to max it out. Now, if we were to increase the maximum amount of pet xp to make more pet stats, it's a pain, it takes forever, it's not o.p. I already have ideas for the names (I'll include the present names so you see the order ;) , and I'll include the privelages as well)

Baby - * Gives a spell card if it comes with one
Teen - Derby
Adult - Hatching
Ancient - *Gives two cards instead of one if your pet has a spell given at baby
Mega - *Gives three spell cards (still the same spell)
Uber - training point
Omega - Badge "Omega Pet"
Grandmaster - Free spell, where your pet casts it and goes into the circle and damages the enemy. As you

level up your character, it gets stronger. To not make it less over powered, it does 50% less than your average level damage with no blades or shields or anything. At level 35, My usual amount if I had my beginning robes and only attack spells was around 500 damage, so my pet would do 250, and it would be a may cast making it less over powered.

Hope you like my idea. ;)

-Nathaniel Redflame level 46