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Make new main schools.

May 30, 2010
Hello, this is my opinion and I would also like to hear you opinion. I personally think if they added more schools it would spice things up because I am kind of tired of seeing the same spells like storm lord, forest lord, fire dragon, etc. Aside from the new spells they release. Plus it would make everyone have to go back and start all over and they're would be more people playing in Mooshu and all the lower level worlds. Also they would need to add more open slots for more characters able to be made.

Kingsisle I hope you consider my idea and make it happen :). What can a few more schools hurt? Right.

Thanks, Wolf Thundershield

Jul 28, 2011
W101 does not need new schools in my opinion. Seven is plenty and people can only have six characters. And KI would have to redo a lot of the game.....

Nov 23, 2012
definitely I make my own games on paper and here are some type ideas


Oct 24, 2010
WorkTwerk on Jun 27, 2013 wrote:
Hello, this is my opinion and I would also like to hear you opinion. I personally think if they added more schools it would spice things up because I am kind of tired of seeing the same spells like storm lord, forest lord, fire dragon, etc. Aside from the new spells they release. Plus it would make everyone have to go back and start all over and they're would be more people playing in Mooshu and all the lower level worlds. Also they would need to add more open slots for more characters able to be made.

Kingsisle I hope you consider my idea and make it happen :). What can a few more schools hurt? Right.

Thanks, Wolf Thundershield
I don't see this happening since there are only room for 6 schools per account as it is, and people always complain about that and KI has stated, very clearly, that this will not change.

Jun 22, 2011
They would need to adjust all the worlds, make tons of new gear, make new bosses, etc. Don't you think that's a little hard?

Dec 03, 2010
i like the idea but new schools would be hard for kingsisle because you would also need to make new spells new enemies and make opposites for the schools

Jul 30, 2012
A nice alternative to your idea would be the addition of more spells to each school that a wizard can choose from. Customizing your wizard to make it more unique. Upon leveling up wizards could be given a choice of spell a, b, or c. But not all three! Let wizards skills and abilities diverge. Allow wizards to specialize in aspects of their school. That would really spice things up.

This idea might also reduce the whining about various schools being over or under powered. Players choose the combinations of spells. Some choices would be good, some would not. But rather than all wizards of a various school being essentially identical, players would have the choice in the capabilities of their wizard.

Sep 17, 2011
fyromancer on Jun 27, 2013 wrote:
definitely I make my own games on paper and here are some type ideas

Wayer is basically storm air is simply too specified as a Ravenwood class Dragon is fire strength is too specified ancient is also too specified