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becoming a astral wizard

Jan 15, 2011
I think for limited time people with membership should be able to be astral wizards

Jul 28, 2011

But I have some questions...

1) We don't have any attack or blade/trap/ or heal etc. for that school, would KI have to make some?
2) How would students learn spells, they arent till CL?
3) How would it fit into the storyline? We need bosses of the school.

Jan 11, 2012
I would LOVE to be able to play an Astral Wizard. I've been racking my brains trying to figure out a way it could be done. There would need to be new gear, new spells, quests etc that would need to be created, not to mention what would happen with all those astral spells we currently have? Astral Wizards would have soo many new spells that were free of charge to get AND cost 0 pips that it would totally unbalance the game (unless you had to specialize in a school and the other ones cost training points to get their spells). I think IF Astral were to be trainable, it would only be fair to select Moon, Star or Sun school as your PRIMARY school (free spells).

Thoughts off the top of my head:
1) Could ONLY be PvE
2) Only available to people who have a membership
3) Brand new quest/storylines
4) Would be considered a secondary wizard in that you wouldnt have all the quests available to you; this would be kind of like a mercenary to fight in PvE

I don't know, like I said, these are just random thoughts.

Mar 12, 2013
You would need access to spells that allowed you to use power pips properly. Astral schools have no attacks except for the "natural attack" melee attacks of the astral bosses, and the occasional oddity like the crowns astral wand and Insane Bolt doing moon damage (but it's a storm spell).

It is my personal neverending joy to watch a giant bloated astral boss spend ALL his unfair starting power pips (usually five to six power pips) on a wraith or an icezilla. And I have a shield up, so it's a hollow threat indeed.

I would hate that to be me, having to spend all my golden opportunities for off-school spells, simply because my school didn't have any scalable attack spells at all.

If astral wizards become a thing, this needs balancing. The astral damage not being blocked by most shields and resistances also needs balancing. Players in PVE know to tower up when they are facing a moon boss who occasionally smacks you with a natural attack. PVP is not the place to force that sort of behavior.

Dec 12, 2012
I don't think being an ,,or wizard would be a good idea because they have no attacks other thatn a wand attack and Insane Bolt. Besides, if we wanted more schools , then we ask KI.

Monica 29
"The Dragon Wisperer"

Jun 04, 2009
it not good because what if they take all the astral spells we know not good to have these and and also because those are for sharpen and potential trap are needed and colossal are needed but we will not be overpowered wizards in the spyre

Jan 15, 2011
You would fight by to turn into other things example if you turn into a dragon that i used before you can cast normal wizard spells

Jan 15, 2011
You don't need bosses because it's for members only not for everyone

Sep 21, 2010
dragonprincess, isn't that why KI can make new stuff? ever think of that? xD i don't mean to sound rude. but that's a good idea

Nov 15, 2008
I think that'd be pretty cool, but quite the challenge for ki, they would have to reset basically everything and prolly be under maitenance for a long while, so is it really worth it?

matthew wyrmblade

lvl 82

Mar 25, 2011
Astral wizards should be able for members and nonmembers!