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The Way Things work.

Feb 05, 2011
Hello My fellow Wizards,
I come on this message board today to give ideas for Kingsisle. I would love for you to tell me what you think of them. So you know how we have the Sword of Kings or like a saber from Celestia (ex. scalesword).? Well when we unequip the swords i think there should be a button to put it on your side like you know in midevil times or something how they did that. So in the bazaar they should be in the area to get equipment, they should be a tab for scabbards or sheathes. Then you buy then and when you equip them you wear a belt with a scabbard that's empty. Then their should be another button instead just equip and unequip their should be a button that says something like sheathe this item, or something like so. Then once you click on sheathe or something like that, the sword is in the scabbard on your left side. Then i think it would be cool if when you hit equip the sword your character pulls it from the sheathe and you hear a sound of a sword being drawn from the scabbard. Just a thought i had.
Signed Your very own,
" To control the Future, one must look to the Past. "

Dec 18, 2009
First place, I like your quote. Second off, your ideas are fabulous. The only thing I am wondering is if you could wear multiple scabaths(sp?) at the same time for your bows, swords, wands etc.?