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Playing wizards and Pirates

May 31, 2009
Well Wizards I tried Pirates and it just wasnt my style of game. The missed hits with the opponents connecting and you die just isnt my game. Dont know how a player can play a game that you just stand there and die.After deleteing two characters cause they could not get through fights It was over.

Oct 24, 2010
2x4 two step on Nov 11, 2012 wrote:
Well Wizards I tried Pirates and it just wasnt my style of game. The missed hits with the opponents connecting and you die just isnt my game. Dont know how a player can play a game that you just stand there and die.After deleteing two characters cause they could not get through fights It was over.
I played in beta, and didn't die all that much, but still don't like the game set up at all. I'm quite happy here. :)

Jun 30, 2011
i have to agree with you there i've tried pirate and will continue playing in the free realm hoping to maybe learn the fighting grids (but not expecting to :) ) but wizard is still the best to me because in pirate all you ever do is fight- constantly and that seems a little boring to me i love the crafting and gardening that wizard offers surely pirates didn't fight all the time like that,

Jul 03, 2010
I tried it and am not sure it's really my cup of tea. I prefer more point and shoot type of game play I guess.

I was not to happy to see pirates automatically attached to my Wizard101 account either, now I will have to be very careful when I renew and do not choose Pirates.

I would of liked the choice to have had it added to my account. I made a separate account so it would be separate then after opening day I signed onto my wizards account and seen that. In the end now Pirates member base is probably prefilled doing it this way, even if you do not play you are a Pirates member.

Feb 28, 2012
Northlite on Nov 12, 2012 wrote:
I tried it and am not sure it's really my cup of tea. I prefer more point and shoot type of game play I guess.

I was not to happy to see pirates automatically attached to my Wizard101 account either, now I will have to be very careful when I renew and do not choose Pirates.

I would of liked the choice to have had it added to my account. I made a separate account so it would be separate then after opening day I signed onto my wizards account and seen that. In the end now Pirates member base is probably prefilled doing it this way, even if you do not play you are a Pirates member.
Didn't KI say it would be "an easy transition" for W101 players? I was taking forever designing a bunch of stuffs (flag, uniform, pirate school, etc.) before I even played. By that time I was bored out of my skull. The new battle system, the minigames, and a bunch of other stuff confused me beyond reason! I'm a much better wizard than pirate! I also would like to see my P101 account completely disappear.

Oct 22, 2011
I enjoy both P101 and W101. I admit, I'm playing P101 more right now, because it's so different and fun. Once you get to about level 15, things really start to pick up and the storyline is fun. I've already capped two pirates at level 50, and working on three more.

It's perfectly fine if P101 isn't your cup of tea. I like both for different reasons, and it gives me a nice break when I get tired of one and I can switch to the other game.

Feb 29, 2012
I like pirates so far, the randomness of attack-backs,misses and random critical attacks is helpful but harrowing.
It has been a long time since I have entered a battle and wondered whether I would actually win or not.
A long time.
It is different, and I just started out, but from what I have seen I like it.

Apr 15, 2011
Personally I like both Pirate101 and Wizard101, although I do admit they are very different. Pirate101 just requires more strategy.

Jun 07, 2012
Oh my god I'm so happy I found this thread!

I thought it was just me who really couldn't get into Pirate101.
I love Wizards101 so much and got into it almost immediately so I expected the new game to be equally exciting, if not more.
Not to mention all the hype, advertising, and waiting for it to come out.... it just seemed like it had to be great but maybe all the hype just made us expect way too much? Who knows?
I really did try to like it but as I kept playing and playing (when we were actually finally allowed to play anyway) I just could not get into it at all. Half the time I barely even knew what was going on unlike Wizard101 which was fairly easy to understand as you progressed.
Oh well, I'm happy that I finally got to try the game and satisfy my curiosity but I think I'll stick to my Wizard.... and I just really really hope they don't abandon their original creation to devote more time to the Pirates because that would be a shame.