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Level 58 Balance Pet quest.

Jan 08, 2011
I have read of others, as well as experienced myself as I am a balance wizard, that the quest to get the Judgement pet is glitched severely. I have read where other schools are getting this quest, yet it will not activate for balance students. I am now a level 61, and still cannot get the quest to show up. So now I have no idea what to do.

There are 3 requirements to meet to be able to accept the starting pet quests from your school professors in Ravenwood, Nightside, or Krokosphinx. Each school has a different quest and each school has to fight a different boss in Wintertusk to get their new pets!
  • You must be a minimum of level 58
  • You must have completed your school’s level 48 spell/pet quest from your professors.
    (Balance is the quest "Breaking Glass" from Alhazred in Krokosphinx)
  • You must have completed the quest "Nordrilund Exposure" given by Grandmother Raven in Hrundle Fjord.

You have not completed Nordrilund Exposure. It's as simple as that, young Wizard. To figure out where you left off, head back to Grizzleheim and complete the quests in that world. Use the fansite at http://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/Quest:Nordrilund_Exposure to help guide you by looking backwards in the timeline of prequests to see where you left off.

Jan 08, 2011