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new spell from krok?

Feb 03, 2012
While playing in the dungeon in the sunken city in wizard city, a krok message popped up saying "now I can teach you a new spell". I think when my wizard moved to level 26, but I couldn't find a krok who was trying to teach me a new spell. How can I find him?


Alhazred, the Professor of Balance, is in the classroom beneath the Krokosphinx in Krokotopia.

Aug 01, 2009
Are you in krokotopia? He is the main teacher for balance, he is next to the krokospinx underground next to miles the balance tree, the krokospinx is in the second area.

Evan star blade level 62

Aug 06, 2012
If you go to the Oasis, there will be a Semi-Large boat near the library. When you go to it, you SHOULD be able to take it to the Krokosphinx. When you have done so, there will be a tree that teaches blades and traps. In the direction in which he is looking, there is a small excavation-type hole. walk up to it, and inside there is a Krok that teaches all sorts of spells!

Hope this cleared your frustration!

Benjamin Storm, lvl 48 , training points go to (that's how I knew)