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We need more transformations.

Jan 07, 2012
Some people wont care about this topic but there are people who might care about this.
Now i'm not saying the current transformations in the Crown Shop are bad. In matter of fact, they're amazing.
But I think there should be many more transformation. Here is a list of my suggestions, and please, if you agree to this. Please comment.

For Wizard City: Ghosts, (males: lost souls females: Lady Blackhope) Trolls, Ghouls, Scarecrows, Banshees, Wraiths, ( a personal favorite) Different types of Gobblers, Zombies, Fire Elf Hunters

For Krokotopia: Ice and Storm Manders, Tuts, Order Of The Fang Kroks, Nirini tuts, Ahnic Tuts, Storm and Ice Elementals.

For Marleybone: Cat Thugs, Cat Nappers, Cat Scratchers, Potbellies, Wooden Puppets.

For Mooshu: Samoorai, Farmers, Goat Monks, Diseased Elementals, Rock Golems, Oni's, Treants.

For Dragonspyre: Different types of Draconians, Lava, Ice, and Death Spiders, Dragon Wyrmlings, Ghost Soldiers, Spectres.

For Grizzleheim: Bears, Grendels, Big Grendels, Grendel Shamans, Wildclaws, Ravens.

One that wasn't named: Different types of Colususs's,

Please KI keep an open mind for this, and please people leave more suggestions.

I know I missed CL, AZ, ZF, AV.
It's because I just started CL.

Oct 30, 2011