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Jun 24, 2011
There are some quest that really annoy me. there was once a quest to put out a fire let pretend I am a storm wizard cant I use some storm magic and put it out I think the game should make an option like if I have a quest to heat up something and I am a fire wizard I should be able to heat it up without going somewhere come on I control magic hereNoah DrakeWraith 66

Mar 12, 2013
InfiniteMonkey260 on Jun 19, 2013 wrote:
There are some quest that really annoy me. there was once a quest to put out a fire let pretend I am a storm wizard cant I use some storm magic and put it out I think the game should make an option like if I have a quest to heat up something and I am a fire wizard I should be able to heat it up without going somewhere come on I control magic hereNoah DrakeWraith 66
Objective: Put out fire(s)


Ice - cool the area until the fire dies down; scatter the burning materials until they can no longer spark a new fire.
Balance - Douse the fire with sand.
Life - Stamp the fire out with your paws or hooves
Myth - Belch frog spittle all over the fire.
Fire - Burn a buffer zone around the fire and/or contain the fire using materials that are forged in fire: bricks, stones, iron grating, crucible.
Storm - Douse the fire with a sudden downpour. Or use your knowledge of electronics and plumbing to create a smoke-sensing sprinkler system in all the buildings in Hametsu Village.
Death - Smother the fire by tossing a cloak or blanket over it; cover the fire so it runs out of oxygen and chokes itself off.

For any apparent gap in logic, there's always your imagination and understanding of basic physics.