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balance school

Jun 20, 2012
the balance school is a tough school to play as they have no converts when yo are fighting other balance schools enemys you want converts since balance is balace their convert should b called unbalance and it booses their attack. oh and balance should have better blades i guess thier percentage should be 30 percent or 35 then the schools blades would be fair. and one more thing their lvl 42 spell isnt that power no-matter how many blades the hydra i the weakest lvl 42 spell ever.aleast let balance have a over-time spell since the new world came out every school has an over time spell and some balance spells are weak like hydra and chimera the chimera should atleast do 800-750 per head or altogather and should leave -70 or some kind of weakness. the new balance spell is awesome but i wish it lift behind spirite and emental shields and one more thing lol if the spirite schools have a boost against balance. balance should have a boost against the spirite schools to me balance school still needs to be worked on a little more bye.