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Grand Tourney Gauntlet Bundle Now Available


If you've had trouble finding this bundle at Walmart, please note that it is now available at select Target locations as well!


Jun 16, 2009
Thank you. Unfortunately my Target does not carry this one.

Should they already be out in the stores and any idea where the select stores are?

May 11, 2014
Jimming Cricket on Jul 22, 2015 wrote:
Walmart's in my area, Don't even carry it. not even available on there website. ugh drove all around town to three different locations. Where else can I find this Bundle? I live in the Northwest of US
I, too, check three different Wally Worlds, not even old W101 cards available. Guess thats why they added Target?

Aug 21, 2011
The Tourney Gauntlet is at Target now. A family member called three Target locations and found a location that had them. I collected orders/money from my family and ran rapidly there. I have not checked Target on-line shopping yet. I see people in the commons with them now. Three of us have now been galloping around. You can't dye the horse but can dye its livery (skirt & bridal). You can also dye the base colour of the squirrel's clothes too. Oh, and gear. The jousting lance will automatically match your livery colours.

Jun 13, 2011
Professor Greyrose on Sep 11, 2015 wrote:

If you've had trouble finding this bundle at Walmart, please note that it is now available at select Target locations as well!

Thanks for informing us, Professor Greyrose! I hope finding that bundle won't be too difficult to the lot of us.

Jun 13, 2011
Mystery Wiz on Sep 14, 2015 wrote:
The Tourney Gauntlet is at Target now. A family member called three Target locations and found a location that had them. I collected orders/money from my family and ran rapidly there. I have not checked Target on-line shopping yet. I see people in the commons with them now. Three of us have now been galloping around. You can't dye the horse but can dye its livery (skirt & bridal). You can also dye the base colour of the squirrel's clothes too. Oh, and gear. The jousting lance will automatically match your livery colours.
Thank goodness! I don't know why the search for that bundle's been very difficult to many of us. I thought that would be on sale about July 20th, & after, that wasn't until almost 2 months later. Good for you on getting that bundle, too, after about over a month or so of waiting and searching. I can hope that next time, we won't have to face that again if KI announces more new bundles.

1 other note, that voice I heard in that video... isn't that likely the same voice that did Gracie Conrad's voice in P101? I would think so. The only difference is the accent. I just guessed after hearing it.

Aug 21, 2011
Trimond297 on Sep 15, 2015 wrote:
Thank goodness! I don't know why the search for that bundle's been very difficult to many of us. I thought that would be on sale about July 20th, & after, that wasn't until almost 2 months later. Good for you on getting that bundle, too, after about over a month or so of waiting and searching. I can hope that next time, we won't have to face that again if KI announces more new bundles.

1 other note, that voice I heard in that video... isn't that likely the same voice that did Gracie Conrad's voice in P101? I would think so. The only difference is the accent. I just guessed after hearing it.
Thanks! And I was only partly right about the lance. It automatically matches your livery "when you are on your charger". There's no way to dye the actual attachable lance.

I sure will be checking the voices out between Gracie & the video.

Jul 22, 2008
Just put all the bundles online. Not walmart nor target have bundles or prepaid cards anymore anywhere near my area. They would make a lot more profit if they put everything up online. plus it would not be much of a hassle trying to find one card bundle by going to 10-15 different stores.

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