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School specific jewel packs

Feb 18, 2015
First off, King's Isle, thank you for those. See, I had originally started this long diatribe about the Rockhammer's Jewel Pack and how I wasn't satisfied at all in what it delivered, or rather, didn't deliver. So to illustrate, I was going to buy a few packs with my level 81 Storm wizard and detail exactly what I received. Only, when I clicked on the Crown's Shop, selected Card Packs and scrolled all the way to the bottom, the first thing I saw - to my surprise - was the Storm Jewel Pack.

I'm sure there was an announcement - I went on a three month hiatus a little while back - but you would think one of my friends (most of them have been around since I have - about 2010-ish) would have mentioned those to me. Needless to say, my message quickly turned from complaint to delight in a New York minute. Again, thanks for those, and more importantly, thanks for listening to your members.

Glad to hear you enjoy the school specific jewel packs. They were added in November, I believe.

