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Jul 17, 2014
If you're having trouble earning coins fishing is the answer!! If you are level 12 or up you can go to lucky fishline and start fishing! He will give you your first fishing spell but if you are enjoying your fishing experience you can buy more fishing spells. Fish fish and more fish!! once you are finished and you think you have caught enough fish you can go to lucky fishline or if Grizzleheim is an available world for you you can sell your fish to two other guys over there. Press ALL button and it will tell you how much money you get if you sell all of your fish. Once you sell all of them you can earn up to like 20,000 coins. I currently have 72,000 coins from selling my fish and selling the things I don't need at the bazaar. If you have other tips on earning coins please reply to my message. THANKYOU!

Sabrina WinterbladeICE level 23