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More Training Points

Dec 08, 2010
I think we may need more training points. I mean think about it. We have basically learned two major schools ex. Myth and Fire, One of these took out all our training points. For those who don't have enough crowns to buy back training points what are we getting? I've learned the majority of star and stun and have nearly no training point quests left.With the Prospector Zeke quests we get like one pip per world. Think its about time we get enough points to learn a third school perhaps? With worlds coming in slowly we hardly have much to work with. I say training point every 5 levels would be nice from 80 and up for a couple of worlds. I mean by the time you're lvl 80 you level up slowly and to get to 85 you would have progressed by then so the game wouldn't be going by too fast. This way we get like 3 training points per world including the Zeke quest. Take it into consideration, maybe?

Oct 30, 2011
We are already getting 1 training point pr. fifth level.

Oct 24, 2010
Not necessary at all. Professor Zeke's quests in each world including the optional ones of Grizzleheim, Wintertusk, and Wysteria all add 'extra' training points. We don't need more.

Jul 30, 2012
I'm in Azteca and I have more training points than I know what to do with. (19 extra!)

Death and Sun School and a couple fire school spells from way back in Krokotopia days.

May 22, 2009
I believe they give out plenty training points. You just have to use them wisely.

My death wizard just started azteca and has 16 training points. My other wizards are also high level and have any where from 9-13 training points.

Hannah Lifebringer Level 90 Life

Feb 03, 2012
If you complete all gameplay in the game, you should end up with 42 training points in the end of the game, us ehtem wisely.

Dec 03, 2011
I would like a third element to add one to life (I am storm) But im level 47 i am saving my training points for the balance spell at krokotopia. once you get high enough level you don't really need the other elements.
(Unless is to get feint, tower shield ect) The idea of more training points would help lower levels but once your higher you dont need training points.

Jun 15, 2011
I would also like more training points, so all the Mastery Amulets could be used. I'd also like the later spells to be learnable with training points, and yeah, I have a third school, which really does take up points, but if I wanted to take back the points, it would be way too overpriced for me. 10,850 crowns to buy back my training points? That's over $20! I want to buy my points back for some spells, but I'm not about to pay THAT much. They should at least half the price or set a specific price for everyone.

Mar 18, 2012
Yeah, we need more training points. I want to learn ice shield from ice, and satyr from life. I haven't even started learning from those schools yet! Plus I want to learn wraith from death school, almost there. I heard you get training points every 5 levels. Since i'm lvl 42, i need to wait until lvl 45 until i get and training point to get wraith. But i really want tower shield and satyr ... I don't know what to do.

Mar 12, 2013
Yes and no...buyback should be cheaper, or there should be a gold buyback option, say 1 million gold for train point buyback at level 90.

I do think there need to be limits on what a single wizard can train, if for no other reason than to encourage people from different schools to work together, and to provide a challenge when facing opponents from the same school.

If everyone could tower, satyr, tempest, and efreet the game would really come down to who goes first.