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pvp options

Jan 01, 2013
When you join a pvp match so say your in a 1v1. You don't really like tc in pvp matches. Maybe you should make an option that can disable all unfair advantages. Its always very frustrating when people use tc when you don't want to waist them. i think its a great idea.

Feb 07, 2011
indy12323 on Feb 3, 2013 wrote:
When you join a pvp match so say your in a 1v1. You don't really like tc in pvp matches. Maybe you should make an option that can disable all unfair advantages. Its always very frustrating when people use tc when you don't want to waist them. i think its a great idea.
for me, use of tc is not an issue. my problem is with low-level/rank players wearing in-game stuff getting matched against people in full warlord outfits or with overpowered crowns gear that give them stats a normal player at that level can't access. but i digress.

that all said, i think this is a good idea~ customizable pvp would even the field and make sure that matches are fair. my level 17 fire corporal does not stand a chance against a level 10 knight with overpowered crowns-gear that gives her mana burn and access to critical, or a level 30 warlord in full gear, and she shouldn't have to.

this game is already about money power over hard work, and those who pvpay up should not have such a tangible advantage over those of us who don't.

refusing to pvpay up,
von/nightflame, the crownless corporal.