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I like a good challenge, but really?!

May 28, 2009
First off i would like to say great job on most of the new upgrades, now down to business. Please create some new realms and/or areas for the game to cut down on the overcrowding, cause i'm tired of being kick off after entering everyother area or defeating everyother boss.
Second, today i was playing as my level 19 balance/ice wizard, fighting in golem tower on the second floor, when within the first 4 rounds both monsters hit me with 6 fire cats in a row (3 apiece) and the sixth one had a -45% on it's head. Now i like a good challenge, but really guys that is just plain nuts and unfair. A fire cat has a accuracy of 75% and i know i can't pull off 5 in a row on my best day, and to have a -45% on top of it would make the accuracy of the sixth one only 30%. Personally, again, on my best day i wouldn't be allowed to hit the broad side of a barn with only 30% chance of hitting anything.
Last, but not least, please keep up the good work and i'm looking forward to more new worlds and the next chapter in the wizard101 saga.