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Ideas of new skills for the new world

Dec 29, 2008
My idea for each school for Grizzleheim will be one that damages all enemies. I've left out how much damage each should do, only describing the skills.

Life- Revived army
Summons four skeletal pirates (low damage) or soldiers (high damage), there's a flash of green light and the four man undead army turn to live beings (skin, beard, hair, armor and all) and each one strikes a foe.

Death- cursed army (opposite of life spell)
Summons four live beings, there's a flash of grey light(black light sounds awkward) and the army is turned into an undead army of skeletal pirates(low damage) or undead soldiers (high damage).

Myth- Mighty cyclops (same cyclops as the ones in dragonspyre except it has a helmet on)
Summons a cyclops that will throw his hammer which spins and hit all players (low damage) or he smashes the ground to make a powerful shockwave (same animation as when earthquake hits) which hits all opponents.

Fire- volcano
A volcanic mountain pops up and a volcano activates. It his all opponents with lava rocks(low damage and same animation as meteor) or the lava flows down the mountain burnning all foes.

Ice- avalache
A snow covered mountain pops up and avalanche is triggered hitting all opponents. Both high and low dmg have the same animation except for high damage there's a yodeling before the avalache triggers.

Storm- Thunder storm
Dark clouds form and there's a scene of a river. On low damage the river is calm, on high damage the rivers is flooding. The could will send a lightening strike to each opponent(with thunder sound effect).

Balance- Scarab stampede
Several scarabs pop out of the ground and run towards all foes. Low damage will only have brown scarabs, high damage will have different colored scarabs (ice, fire, dark and brown).

Feel free to add your own suggestions :-)