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Food Items

Dec 09, 2008
Can we have food items in game? They could heal you or give you mana.
Example: You are doing Edrik's Vault. You are almost done but low on health and mana, So you eat a cookie ( Or something ) Thats healths you about
+20 heal and 20+ mana, depeneding on the food you eat. Anybody have any comments or improvements?

May 06, 2009
Use a potion? Basically what you are asking for is a either a slimed down version of a potion or a potion would be better and more utilized.

ME personally I normally don't use my potions so they are always available but I can see at times it would be REALLY REALLY great to have more then just 3 potion bottles. Some of the gauntlet runs in Dragonspire will make you go through them fast if you don't have any/many healing cards.