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minor annoyance while entering instances

Apr 17, 2009
I've noticed that if you disrupt the instance countdown, it's not enough to just stand there the X option would normally appear. You have to leave that spot and then return.

Well on a few occasions I have noticed someone dancing around the placeholder at the edge of my view, apparently trying to get into the queue with me. Since parties often form at a moment's notice we usually aren't friends yet. Well the polite thing to do, of course is to click on them and add them to friends before the timer is finished, so they can teleport to you once you're inside.

So you turn around to get them on your screen, because you know the orbit camera will bounce back as soon as you let go of it. But wait - turning in place like that takes you out of the queue. And you're in the same boat he in a moment ago. The group goes in without you, and people being what they are no one comes back outside.

I see three possible solutions:

1. Let us turn off the orbit camera smart rebound thing.
2. Remove the ability to leave a queue by moving around.
3. Remind us not to bother being nice to other players.