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Please don't ruin this game!!!

Dec 23, 2008
There are so many things about this game that make it GREAT. I love the fact that myself, my son, and my grandson can all play and enjoy it. I had thought that this game was made for family fun, Wizard City is great, farting monsters, puking toads, the graphics are unbelievable. Then came Krokotopia and Marleybone. Could someone please explain to me where the fun is in making your character run all the way over here, then back, repeat,repeat, etc.
Also, the cost of items is insane, cost to reward ratio is so off at low to mid-level you'd swear the game was paying off in real money out of their own pockets.
And the difficulty level may use a bit of tweaking, some areas seem ruff to solo for me at 52 years old(been looking for people in Grand Chasm on and off for 3 days-lol), possibly are ruff for 10 yr. olds too.

Best idea so far was Shared Banking.

Next great ideas:
Shared Housing and/or treasure Cards (between your alts)
Selling Treasure Cards

I saw a comment by someone on the cost of housing say that good things were worth working for... I'm pretty sure that's whatI do 40+ hrs a week for is so I can "PLAY" games like this for enjoyment.
Comment if you'd like, Criticize if you must.

Jan 23, 2009
sometimes making friends in the higher levels is hard because one they are all in towers fighting and the towers are exculsive. If you go in you have to do so with a friend or solo and they last forever.

Second, by the time one gets to that level they are weary of making new friends because they don't want to be jumped in fights ported to without being informed first. I wish there were areas people sorta hung out and fellowshiped but there is no such place so you are gonna have to play in heavy populated areas joinin on fights make friends and hope they can help you out when you need them. If it is mutual it usually isn't a problem.