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When you logout at home, Login later at home

May 07, 2009
I don't know if anyone else has had this problem, but I'll teleport to my cottage after defeating a boss and calling it a day. When I log back in, I'm not at my home. No, I'm back in the ring fighting the boss, because that's the spot where I ported back home. It's really annoying to login and have to fight the same boss you already defeated or flee and then have to spend time replenishing your mana.


Dec 31, 2008
I have been having a similar trouble for a few weeks now: Whenever I log back in, I have been set back one or two "Loading" screens earlier in my travels from where I was when I logged out. However, I have never been put back into a fight. Instead I get put back on the sidewalk or tower porch or instance sigils of the place I was right before I ported to my house and logged out. I have the habit of leaving the battle area, either exiting the tower or running to the sidewalk, before I port to home or the commons, so maybe this is why. I filed a bug report on this some weeks ago; last I heard it was under "internal investigation."

Jan 23, 2009
i think it happens to everyone.

It used to be when you went to the dorms and logged out whe you logged back on it would tell that you are there but now it say nothing. and you end up in the place you ported from before you when home.

Also when you do not have a home you can not get health back until you leave the dorms. That is weird i thought that is where you went to catch up in you health when i first started when even i was killed that is where i landed, at least while i was in wiz city. If i was killed that is where i went then it was the commons which is fine but if you go to the dorms now your health remains the same till you leave.