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Idea - Variations of Existing Spells

Jul 30, 2012
Being a death wizard, I am truly tired of wayching the vampire spell. I wonder how many times I have watched it. Probably a very large number. There are only about 3 attack spells that I typically ever use (PvE). I have a couple strategies that I use depending on the situation, but my general formulas for winning battles becomes very repetitive.

I believe a significant improvement to the game would be adding some variations to some of the 'core spells' that wizards of each school use, particularly the attack spells. It would reduce the tedious monotany that sets in at 2:00am when you are asked to defeat 10 whatevers.

Two ideas:
1. Using the existing spell, occasionaly make the graphics a little different.

2. Create new spells that are obviously duplicates or extremely similar in stats to existing spells, but are visually different.