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Highest Damage Boost Possible

Feb 03, 2012
As the title suggest, I want all the wizrads out their thoughts on what the highest attack for each school is, with or without an elixir. For storm i've calculated that you have up to about 121 as max damage boost, 136 if you use elixir. I want to see how other schools compare or how your calculations compare.

Dec 11, 2011
I've seen a storm get 135. He had full waterworks gear, storm dealer, storm giver, pain dealer, and paingiver pet.

Feb 13, 2012
Please clarify what you mean by "max damage boost." It would be helpful if you gave the source of the boosts you used in your example calculation so we're on the same page. The problem is that there are a huge number of possible combinations if we start looking at resident gear and pet damage boosts (those that are automatic once equipped).

It would actually be easier to calculate a max damage boost from spells, tc and pet may cast spells, which we can call "spell boosts". A lot of that work is posted to help people who want the one in a million badge. I can't find where someone may have calculated the absolute max from all the current spell boost combinations available because you don't need many to get 1,000 times a 1,000 base damage even without critical.