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I just realized something...

Jan 13, 2010
I just realized if KI makes new worlds, they have to make Mega pips or otherwise they will have to stop sending out spells. Because the pips of the spell go higher.

Dec 11, 2011
Wrong. Just more pips. Send out mega pips in PvP and Storm will kill with 1 mega pip tempest. Same goes for a heckhound, dryad, or even animate with lower level pvp.

Jan 21, 2010
naw, they can make spells cost whatever they want. They just need to give them high level requirements. Take deer knight for example. the spell only costs five pips to cast. It hits all enemies and puts a damage over time effect on them. This spell is arguably better than scarecrow or bone drake. I mostly like that it only costs five pips. Unless you were able to use crowns, as a shortcut, and get the spell from a pack; you cannot get the spell unless you are a high level wizard. The crafting requirements see to that.

So, mega pips aren't necessary, in fact, they would slow down the battles horribly.

Low cost, efficient, spells are quite possible, to those with greater magical experience...

Aug 07, 2011
aditha12 wrote:
I just realized if KI makes new worlds, they have to make Mega pips or otherwise they will have to stop sending out spells. Because the pips of the spell go higher.

Or simply not continue making them take more pips. No reason they have to add on and we're at the point where we're pretty much maxed out. They can go a bit higher but not much and higher than where they are now and I'd probably just use the ones I currently have even if they gave mega pips.

Feb 13, 2012
Hmm. Mega pips? If you use your primary school spell, then your gold pip chance lets you cast a rank 9 spell in 5 rounds with 4 gold and 1 white pip. Cast a 0 pip empowerment and you're getting another pip for every decent hit you take. Sure, a low level player with all white pips is going to have a hard time taking advantage of a Basilisk treasure card but why would they need that much power anyway? The school spells you get are appropriate to your level. As we get higher and higher level caps with new worlds, the spells must naturally become more powerful to deal with the new creatures. Can you imagine how much boost you'd need for even Sirens to take out a Rank 20 boss? Increasing the pip cost for those new high powered attack spells means we have to get more creative in our gear and pet adjustments - sacrificing another stat for more power pips. It would become more interesting and strategic as long as they stay under a 16 pip spell!

Morgan Taleeyes
Archmage Conjurer