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Tower of the Helephant

Feb 28, 2011
Anyone out there in the need, or just want, to do tower of the helephant? I am ready to join a team. I can bring a lvl 80 life, fire or storm. So if you need a third or fourth person for your team, answer this and we can set something up. I am currently surfing the realms trying to find a team. I will keep checking the torrence realm. My wizard is Steven Hawk.

Apr 02, 2012
stevespeaks wrote:
Anyone out there in the need, or just want, to do tower of the helephant? I am ready to join a team. I can bring a lvl 80 life, fire or storm. So if you need a third or fourth person for your team, answer this and we can set something up. I am currently surfing the realms trying to find a team. I will keep checking the torrence realm. My wizard is Steven Hawk.
im not there yet but i heard its like death in a tower